Height wise, how much more will I grow. Some info about me, I am a 17 male and 5'8 1/2, and I never really had a growth spurt besides being 5'1 in 6th grade then like 5'5 7th grade.
I don't have a lot of facial hair, light mustache and like 11 chin hairs, but my voice has gotten deeper. I am skinny and have a small frame though (if that has anything to do with it), part of it is because of my metabolism but I also haven't worked out any.
My dad was 5'8, mom 5'3. I talked to my doctor and he said I have about 2 inches but I want to know if that's not "at most".
I don't really have any tall uncles or grandparents. all under 6', I just want to know how much more you think I will grow, I want to be at least over 6'..
am I just slower or a late bloomer? because I hate it when I feel so short, other kids are like 6'+
5'10" is the average height for an American male. So you're almost there, even though you're parents are below average in height. It doesn't sound like you're a very late bloomer if you were 5'5 in 7th grade. If you're doc had a good look at you and guessed 2 inches, I'd trust him on it. He's looked at lots of growth charts in his career.
So you're not super tall, but you can make the most of what you've got. And if you happen to prove the doc wrong, let that be a pleasant surprise.
At least three foot,maybe more.
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